Saturday, April 28, 2007


hahah pincho!

it figures you would keep the same password for everything you do. serves you right that I can soooo easily break into your cute little blog. Well, that's what you get, karma is a bitc....

hey, I just want everyone out there to know that there are always 2 sides to a story.

i know her value! She just always wants me to take her out, feed her, rub her back, scratch behind her ears...

Hey, what about me?

so what if I want to go hang out with my dogs every once and a while? sometimes the center of the world doesn't revolve around you...piiiiiinchoooooo

can't stand females who don't think about their man.

look, I still keep a picture of you on my wall.

come on girl, what do you say?

how bout we meet up sometime and see if the old chemistry is still there. I bet I can still make the hair on the back your neck stand up. You know you are still my girl. Let me know if you want to go out some time....i'll bring sexy back.

Laterz- Tyson

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