Saturday, August 4, 2007

Secret Admirer

So its been a little while! Well I have been busy around the office and trying to keep my life straight! Ah, its so hard being a working woman, holding a personal life where I can actually enjoy some friendships, and then trying to keep everything else organized!

Sheez! Its a miracle I don't pull out all my fur!

I don't know how working moms do it. I mean, someday I plan to have children. My dad said something one time about a me already being spayed or spaying, not sure what the means but I don't really listen to him anyway. When it comes time for me, I need to be at home. Taking care of one person is hard enough, but taking care of 2 and trying to do all this stuff at the same way!

I guess I am thinking about family lately because someone has been sending me flowers, but its from a secret admirer so I don't even know who to thank. I guess I will find out sometime in the future...sure is romantic though.....

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